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Blessed Art Thou Among Women Ministries( Victory Faith Church)


Blessed Art Thou Among Women (BATAW) was founded by Sheila Baskett in 2004 when she responded to the Lord leading her to gather his daughters in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This gathering provides an awesome experience for many women to be relaxed, recharge, rejuvenated and free to get their breakthrough. This awesome experience comes through the Word of God, Prayer, Praise, Worship and Fellowship. It is the vision of BATAW to bring the women together from the body of Christ as one. The mission of BATAW is to edify and enhance the lives of others through prayer, preaching and teaching of the Word, so that faith may come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Through faith and the assembling of His daughters we gather to see the  manifestation of healing, deliverance and empowerment in one place on one accord. The prayer for this ministry is to see the Women of God elevate each year and go from faith to faith, strength to strength and glory to glory. It is an opportune time for the women to be in fellowship one to another. This ministry has a purpose and foundation to give the women the TRUTH. John 8:32 defines this foundation; "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." It is my prayer that the women connected to this ministry will discover their creative potential, find their unique path and see the manifestation.   This ministry stands on the scripture: Luke 1:45; “And blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of these things which were told her from the Lord”.

Empowering Women In The Kingdom 

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